Sunday, December 22, 2019

Merry Christmas to all...

With a couple of days to go before Christmas, I thought I'd share a few thoughts on this season that as of late has perplexed me no end.  But in spite of that, I look forward to it every year...sort of.

I wrote at the beginning of the month how I loathe Christmas music until December and that still holds true for me.  I didn't start listening by choice until December 1st, which is the natural start time as far as I'm concerned.  Now, of course, I am fully into it and will be for a couple more days at least.

I am blessed with a sizeable Christmas music CD collection and although I have my favourites, I try to listen to as many as I can over the holidays.  But Paul McCartney's Wonderful Christmastime isn't one of them...

Other than early Christmas music at the start of November, the main problem I have with this time of year is just how rushed we feel and how everyone forgets the magic of the season as they try to search for the perfect gift for someone on their list.  I'm not a last-minute shopper, so thankfully I am done for this year.

But getting to that point is rarely pleasant and I know I am not alone in that sentiment.  We do this to ourselves every year and I suspect we'll never change.

For me, I simply have to have it all done before the last weekend before Christmas because of the work I've always been involved with.  Between radio, retail sales and now working at the post office, I have been in jobs that involved lots of extra work over the holiday season, thereby limiting the time available to get ready to actually enjoy the season.

And that's the rub.  Personally I have not enjoyed the holiday season for several years now because of the extra workload, and long for the day I retire so I can actually sit back and enjoy the season and let others worry about getting everything done on time.  I have just over two years to go before I reach that goal and I can almost taste it!

But there comes a point for me when I am immersed in the season and the true meaning of Christmas, and that comes late Christmas Eve when I host the annual radio broadcast of the Midnight Mass from the Cathedral of St. Catherine of Alexandria on my former radio home, CKTB Radio.  Even though the work involved to get to that point is stressful most years, when I am actually doing it I am relaxed and usually at peace with myself.

I should be, of course, as I have hosted the broadcast for over 30 years now.  That's nothing compared to the time the broadcast has actually been on the air each Christmas Eve.  This will be the 87th annual broadcast, and it is always an honour to make history one more year, each year.

Truthfully I don't know how long I have left to host the broadcast but that decision is largely out of my hands.  Health, changing tastes and such may change things in the future at some point but for now I look forward to that quiet walk home from the Cathedral about 2:30 in the morning when the city is asleep and I am soon to join the club.  I always look up to the sky and marvel at the peace we have on earth at that very moment, fleeting though it may be.

Peace on earth might be fleeting in the days and weeks leading up to Christmas Eve of course, and I've witnessed my share of people in too much of a hurry to actually live the words "Peace on Earth, good will toward men"...or women for that matter.  That driver in the black Lexus ahead of me on Lake Street on Friday, for example, was not exactly full of the milk of human kindness as he (or she) tailgated the vehicle in front and tried to get around traffic the driver perceived to be too slow.

I see that kind of thing play out all the time over the holidays, as people are not paying attention to what they are doing, be they walking or driving.  In both cases I have only one thing to say:  put down your phone and concentrate on what you're doing!

There.  That felt better.

The thing is we all deal with our own issues at this time of year and not everyone celebrates the season the same way.  I get that.  Not everyone cares about the Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve and I get that too.  But we can all be civil to one another and show respect not only at this time of year, but all year long.  Now just happens to be a good time to start.

So as we hurtle to the finish line in a couple of days, take time to enjoy the reason for the season, whatever shape it might take for you and your family.  Christmas, Hanukkah, whatever.  Celebrate with family and friends certainly.  But show kindness to others you don't even know.  Reach out and call someone you haven't talked to for awhile.  Hug someone dear to you.  Allow that car in the next lane in front of you just because.  We can all do little things to make this a better world.

This Christmas, make it special in little ways that matter a lot.  And be thankful for all you have and all you can give.  Because we can all do better at this time of year.

Have a great holiday season and we'll meet in this special place again in the New Year.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

December 22nd, 2019.

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