Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Putumayo re-releases CD to aid people of Haiti

It has been almost a month now since the devastating earthquake tore apart Haiti, and the aid is continuing to arrive from almost every corner of the globe. It is impossible not to be touched by the scope of the tragedy and how these people with an indomitable spirit are coping with such total devastation. If you're like most people, you have felt almost helpless, save for sending money through any number of charitable organizations aiding in the rescue of inhabitants and the long rebuilding process now underway. The Canadian Red Cross and World Vision Canada are two organizations worthy of our financial contributions to aid those most in need in Haiti right now.

I received an email from one of my suppliers last week, and it offers an intriguing way to help out in Haiti: buy a CD and 100% of the proceeds go to help the people of Haiti through the Red Cross. Dan Storper, the founder and CEO of Putumayo Records, based in New Orleans, has decided to re-release his CD titled "French Caribbean", which features five tracks on it featuring performances by Haitian musicians. Dan was in Haiti in 1976 and was quite taken by what he saw: a proud nation struggling to make do with little in the way of resources available to them. To be sure, Haiti is one of the poorest nations to begin with; this devastating earthquake and resultant tremours means it will be a long journey back for the island nation, but as Dan says, Haiti will rise again!

Many of you know the Putumayo line of recordings, and most of them offer wonderful music performed by local musicians who otherwise would not get their material recorded. Dan has blazed a trail for over thirty years now, providing us with the real, so-called "world music". This gesture on his part is just another way the label and musicians involved can give back to people in dire need right now.

I have an opportunity to order in a number of these CDs to sell through my website, A Web of Fine Music ( The selling price will be $ 20.00 plus tax, and for that price you get a great CD of music by musicians from the area, including Haiti, and the money goes to help these people who need our help the most right now. If you're interested, send me an email either through my website ( or directly at, and I will make sure to reserve a copy for you when they come in. I will also be featuring "French Caribbean" on my website this month and in my upcoming February newsletter, FINE MUSIC NEWS. You can sign up for the newsletter by simply sending me an email with your request, and I will gladly add your name to the mailing list.

Together, we can help to make a difference in Haiti, and enjoy some great music by some of their local musicians at the same time.

February 3rd, 2010.

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